Amazing two weeks gone! This week we did our first animation. And what better assignment to start with than the famous bouncing ball. Oh boy! I had never thought that making a bouncing ball can be so simple (I am kidding ;) ) Its way tougher than I had thought. I have previously tried a bouncing ball on paper, but all of those times it would come from the left of the page and leave from the right with just 2 bounces and never came to a standstill. Now here was the challange.. Make the ball bounce like a basketball / soccer ball does! That too in a restricted frame limit.
I started with all necessary planning on paper and then into Maya. I had a really exhausting time wrestling with Splines in the graph editor. But by the next day I got used to it and it became a lot easier. AM peerBuddies and peers are such a huge help. I kept on posting everyday on the Public Review (PR) and got amazing feedback and that too lightning fast. Lots of issues I had overlooked started staring at me in the face after those helpful crits. I cannot thank AM more for creating such a powerful community :)
The other assignment was to sketch poses of people in "excited" emotional state. Then, pose the AM rig(model) "Stu" according to one of your favorite poses. Just hit the upload button for the assignment.. now will wait for the Critique..
Last week we dint have much of work to do. We had to go out to public places like park, cafes.. to sketch people in different poses. Its always been fun to do it.. now we had to take one of the pose sketched and pose the AM Rig "Stu" accordingly in Maya. I got to play around with it for long. This is So Cool ! Its like going back to childhood days and playing with those Gi.Joe figurines. hehe. Last week was my first ever e-Critique from my mentor Jalil.. It was AMAZING! A Pro animator critiquing my work in so much detail ! Got to learn a lot from the crit about posing, weight and balance so much more than I did in last 6 months.
Here it is.. Session 102